Hardtail Mountain bike

Hardtail Mountain bike

hardtail hybrid MTB From 35 € 1/2 day Bosch cx motor FRAME M AND L Fom 150cm to XL 200cm 4.9ft to 6.7ft unisex Trapeze or Easy entry frame designs also available Hydraulic brakes  500  W minimum BATTERY (500,625 or 750 w) Hardtail electric mountain bike with Bosch CX...
Full suspension electric moutain bike

Full suspension electric moutain bike

FULL SUSPENsion moutain bike From 46.5 € 1/2 day Bosch cx motor FRAME M AND L Fom 150cm to XL 200cm 4.9ft to 6.7ft unisex Trapeze or Easy entry frame designs Hydraulic brakes  750  W BATTERY Full suspension electric mountain bike, Stereo Hybrid 120 model from the year...
Trekking – city bike

Trekking – city bike

TREKKING CITY BIKE From 28 € 1/2 day FRAME M AND L Fom 150cm to XL 200cm 4.9ft to 6.7ft unisex Trapeze or Easy entry frame designs Hydraulic brakes Versatile and comfortable bike suitable for city excursions or to more distant horizons. Mudguards, light, integrated...
kid electric mountain bike

kid electric mountain bike

Electric kid moutain bike From 28.5 € 1/2 day Bosch active line motor 24 inches Fom 135cm to 150cm 4.4ft to 4.9ft unisex Hydraulic brakes  400  W battery Electric mountain bike suitable for children measuring 135 to 150 cm. With these wide and safe tires, this...